10 Ways Online Employee Training Software Prepares Companies for the Future

Virtual education has become one of the most important advances in 21st century education, as jobs and job skills have shifted to more tech-based necessities. Virtual training has the ability to progress an employee in technology-based skills, so it is innate that even the training in these skills would be achieved through online training and its software.

Whether online employee training is effective, however, depends on its ability to introduce 21st century skills in its design and implementation. ReadyTech understands that in order to compete in the new job market, workers of today should be prepared to be workers of tomorrow. Our online instructor-led employee training and software not only improves outcomes for all trainees, it prepares them for the new global economy.

How Does Online Training Software Prepare Employees for the New Market?

It promotes digital equity.

Digital equity and digital divide are two issues that the advent of the internet has created. If an employee is a digital native, he or she likely had access to a computer growing up, and the learning curve is shallow. However, these types of employees have only recently entered the job market, and a lot of the population of a company did not grow up with that technological advantage. Training an employee to use technology is not necessarily the requirement of your company, but it is wise if you wish to attract and train effective employees. Online employee training can bridge this gap, upskilling your employees for their job description as well as teaching them basic and imperative tech skills.

It promotes awareness of diversity.

The 21st century workplace is more diverse than ever before. Telecommuting and global companies unite individuals from all over the world and erase borders, so it is important to encourage employees to be aware of and work with diversity of thought. Virtual classrooms enable students from different ages, cultures, skills, and backgrounds to be in the same room like never before, and they promote access to a diverse network of people. Students can work with and learn from people all over the world, which in turn enhances their awareness of the global nature of the 21st century workplace.

It provides personalized instruction to meet their needs.

Since students’ skill-sets exist on a wide spectrum, this inevitably means training will be either too slow or too fast because most students have differing knowledge on what they are learning. It was rare in the past to be able to receive training or education at one’s own pace, as typically every student in the class would need to learn at the instructor’s pace.

Online training software has the advantage of allowing beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses and allow students to begin at different entry points. In addition, students who take longer on an assignment, quiz, or test can do so, while other students who finish early do not have to wait for their peers and can move on to other topics, decreasing boredom and frustration with the learning experience.

It enables self-directed learning.

Industries change rapidly, and as technology also advances, 21st century workers need to learn to be comfortable with being life-long learners. Online training software and design provide the trainee with the opportunity to be self-paced and self-directed, which reinforces these skills. Online learning empowers employees to find their comfort and flexibility as well as learn how to fit education into their own schedules. This precise model transfers to the jobs of today, where expectations of self-direction, accountability, and productivity are high.

It promotes information literacy.

Information today is more widely accessed than it ever was before. However, not all information is equal. In order to succeed in the 21st century, trainees should learn the proper ways to obtain, analyze, and present information. Online training software promotes original inquiry, reinforces proper research, and encourages the trainee to analyze and assess information. This skill is transferrable to all aspects of the employee’s work day and will set them apart as an effective member of the team.

It promotes and advances communication skills.

Since the new workplace is web-driven, it is important to learn how to communicate effectively online. Video conferencing, chat rooms, and break-outs rooms are some features of ReadyTech’s online training software that hone communication skills and promote group collaboration. These features are also common in today’s work environment, making team-building and collaboration obtainable.

It promotes problem-solving skills.

Whether they are entry level or high level, all successful professionals in the 21st century must be able to think analytically and solve problems. Rather than being assessed by how long they sit in a classroom chair, online training will require your employees to take a more active approach to their training and demonstrate their knowledge.  Additionally, problem-solving requires group thinking skills that are routinely developed in online courses.

It promotes time management skills.

Online coursework is structured to help trainees maximize their time and effort as they collaborate with teams and work toward deadlines. All of this aids the employee to manage his or her workload in the real world. Online courses can be constructed in ways to encourage students stay on track and are meeting important milestones, reinforcing time management and creating accountability in the workplace.

It promotes accountability.

In a traditional classroom, a student is a part of a collective classroom unit and can be lost in the crowd. It is not possible to compartmentalize a student’s learning experience in a meaningful way. That is, until now. In online training, a student is an individual learner with an individual account, which highlights each student in a virtual classroom as an individual with autonomy. With online training software, a student is responsible for his or her own account and work and can no longer hide behind the crowd or fall back on others to pick up slack.

It is measurable.

In a traditional classroom setting, it is not always possible to ensure everyone is retaining information at any given moment. Often, assignments, tests and quizzes can be given, but this takes up valuable lecture time, and real-time feedback on a correct or incorrect answer is not possible with analog training. Online training software solves these issues and ensures the trainee not only learns but can apply their knowledge. Assignments can be given in a way to measure outcomes, give students a second or third try on a question, and allow the student to see clearly how their work hits learning goals.

Why Wait?

ReadyTech provides companies and employees with a hosted training solution that offers hands-on, virtual training software to aid employees in practicing 21st century job skills. Companies that invest in employee training benefit from reduced attrition rates and hiring costs, better productivity, knowledgeable employees, and a competitive hiring environment.

ReadyTech provides you with all the software you need for your virtual classroom, and we offer a full-service setup process as well as 24/7 live support. Contact us today to get started.

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