Employee training using only in-person learning has become outdated due to the rise of virtual training platforms. That’s quite a bold statement, but classroom training has become ineffective in providing the learning experience employees want today. Employees now expect a learning experience that includes videos, articles, podcasts, and other forms of digital content. Classroom training can’t provide this. We’ve put together a list of the top 10 ways a virtual training platform exceeds in-person learning.
1) Virtual or eLearning allows for flexibility; employees can learn at their own pace. Unlike classroom training, it offers those who learn faster the ability to accomplish work in less time instead of being slowed down by others grappling to comprehend the course material. This lessens frustration and allows the slower learners the time they need to complete the course.
2) Learners run eLearning modules from any device. If learners use PCs at work but Apple devices at home, this isn’t a problem. Online training allows them to access classes with a good internet connection and a web browser. With ever-increasing internet connection speeds, there will be more significant prospects in the future for more superior training methods and delivery. Advances in technology have and will continually change the way courses are presented.
3) With eLearning, it’s easier to present a complete employee manual in an engaging video – than try reading page after page. Online training allows learners to understand a complicated subject matter.
4) eLearning courses that use gamification techniques are engaging and effective. Using game thinking and game mechanics to connect with users and solve problems is an approach to persuade employees to learn by using video game design and elements in learning environments.
5) Online training is also effective in terms of information retention. Integrating exercises, quizzes, and summaries helps users retain what they’ve learned. Plus, personnel can revisit eLearning courses as often as they wish to refresh their knowledge.
6) eLearning allows businesses to educate a geographically diverse staff using learning modules. This is crucial today with so many companies employing a remote workforce.
7) On-demand virtual training is offered through cloud-based software. A business can distribute the training when it’s convenient for them and their employees. They can also deliver it in sections instead of all at once.
8) Online training is less costly than arranging for formal in-person training. You don’t need to reserve office space, pay for employees to travel to the training location, or cover expenses for hotel stays and meals.
9) Online training will improve employees’ productivity. When they are better trained with the knowledge they need about your service or product, they’ll be more effective. According to Forbes, “Every dollar invested in online training results in a $30 increase in productivity. Companies that use eLearning technology achieve an 18% boost in employee engagement.”
10) eLearning can help to reduce employee turnover. Virtual learning industry site elearningindustry.com states that 40% of employees who receive inadequate job training leave their positions within the first year. So when you invest in online training for your employees, they’ll be more likely to stay with your company.
Let’s Talk
Readytech is one of the leading virtual training companies – need to onboard new staff, upskill a team? Call the team at +1 (800) 707-1009.