In the world of software-as-a-service (SaaS), users can expect to be able to log in from any device and get constant updates. SaaS products must also be easy to use, quick to deploy, and minimally intrusive so users can get back to work. This is why many businesses are turning to SaaS teaching labs. These learning management systems (LMS) help you create interactive eLearning courses that can be accessed by learners on any device, whenever they need it. So instead of installing new software programs onto their computers, your learners can log into an app or website as if it’s a game or virtual reality simulation. This blog explains SaaS applications, teaching labs, and their key benefits. And if you need a trusted partner for implementation, contact ReadyTech today!
What is a SaaS Applications Teaching Lab?
A SaaS applications teaching lab is a virtual location where students can log in and access a simulated environment. This lab can be used for a wide range of training situations, such as employee onboarding, IT training, skills assessments, and more. Typically, a SaaS teaching lab includes an instructor’s console where you can monitor learners’ progress, send messages, and control the lab. Learners can use their own devices to log into the lab’s online portal, where they can create avatars, interact with environments, and complete activities. The learning management system that powers the lab can be used to assign courses, track learner progress, send notifications, and provide analytics about how your learners are engaging with the course material.
How Does a SaaS Applications Teaching Lab Work?
When you create a course in a SaaS applications teaching lab, you can upload the course content, including video and text content, images, quizzes, and more. With the SaaS system, you can then assign the course to specific users. Once they log into the system, learners can access the course content and complete the activities. You can also manage the lab’s settings so it’s appropriate for your learners. You can determine how many learners can be in the lab at any given time, the type of devices they can use (for example, VR headsets, desktop computers, or mobile devices), the hours the lab is available for use, and more.
Why Use a SaaS Applications Teaching Lab?
SaaS teaching labs can help you provide comprehensive eLearning courses that are flexible and easy to use. You can assign a wide range of courses to your learners, including technical skills training, soft skills training, and more. In a SaaS applications lab, your learners can access course content from any device, meaning they can complete courses at any time. This also means you don’t have to worry about managing computer software and downloading updates when new versions are released.
9 Benefits of a SaaS Applications Teaching Lab
As we’ve explored above, there are many benefits to using a SaaS applications teaching lab. Here are a few more:
- Choice: Your learners can access the lab from any device, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. They can also choose when they want to complete the course, whether they want to do it during working hours, after work, or even on the weekend!
- Flexibility: You can assign a wide range of courses to your learners, from soft skills training to technical skills training. Your learners can log in to the lab at any time to complete their courses and progress through the material at their own pace.
- Accessibility: Your learners can access the lab from any device, meaning they can complete courses at any time, even if they don’t have access to computers. This also means you don’t have to worry about managing computer software and downloading updates when new versions are released.
- Analytics: The learning management system that powers the lab can be used to track learner progress, send notifications, and provide analytics about how your learners are engaging with the course material.
- Cost: SaaS teaching labs are usually more affordable than traditional eLearning options and live instruction.
- Elimination of virtual machines: One of the biggest benefits of SaaS applications teaching labs is the virtual machines required to run the software are typically maintained by the vendor. This means you won’t have to worry about technical support or things like patching, upgrading, or maintenance. Moreover, if you use a hosted virtual machine, you won’t have to worry about managing the physical server.
- Easy oversight: Another feature of SaaS teaching labs is easy oversight. Instead of students logging into the instructor-led portal, we can relay everything the student is doing through the SaaS server. We can show a thumbnail view of each student to the instructor, which is great for lab management. Also, there is no need for a Remote Desktop. The instructor can see student progress and be proactive about helping, see engagement levels, and see which students have become disengaged. The instructor has control, and functionality, and can navigate any student errors or troubleshooting right away.
- Significantly better-controlled interactions: A SaaS teaching lab may be better controlled when it comes to interactions between learners and tutors. Unlike a virtual learning environment (VLE), which relies on a website’s CMS to facilitate communication and collaboration, an LMS provides easy-to-use tools for teams to communicate inside the system. For example, a SaaS applications teaching lab might include built-in chat tools or a polling application that allows learners to respond in real-time. In SaaS labs, the instructor has no need to go into a breakout room with one student and lose touch with the main classroom.
- Privacy: In SaaS labs, students have more privacy with screen sharing. They do not need to share their assignment or project with the whole class; the instructor can see them only. In addition, the instructor does not have control over student screens and cannot poke around their open tabs.
Why Not Just Use Zoom?
Zoom is a cloud-based web conferencing tool that allows users to collaborate with other colleagues or clients via video call. While Zoom is a useful tool for online meetings, it does not offer the same interactive software or content that a SaaS applications teaching lab does. In addition, the visibility of instructors is more apparent in SaaS labs, as they have no blindfold to what the student is accomplishing.
A SaaS applications system is specifically designed for eLearning, so it includes software that is specifically built to engage learners and create a virtual teaching environment. Another important distinction is that Zoom is a web conferencing tool that only allows two-way video calls. A SaaS teaching lab, on the other hand, allows for both a two-way video call and a virtual environment where learners can complete activities. This means that while Zoom can be used for training, a SaaS system is more robust and offers more features.
Why Not Just Use a Webinar?
A webinar is a type of digital seminar that is presented over the internet. Webinars are often used for marketing and sales training, customer engagement, and information dissemination. While webinars can be effective for sharing information, they are not as robust as a SaaS teaching lab. A SaaS lab allows for much more interactivity and creates a more engaging environment for your learners. You can incorporate quizzes, simulations, visuals, and more into a SaaS lab and create an engaging experience for your learners.
A webinar is typically one instructor talking to a group of people, which can become dull and uninteresting for the learners. A SaaS applications lab, on the other hand, allows learners to complete activities, engage with visuals, and interact with each other and the virtual environment.
Save By Switching from In-Person to Online Education
Not everyone has access to a world-class eLearning experience like you might find in Silicon Valley. Many companies and individuals are stuck with old-school in-person training, which costs more, takes longer, and is less effective than digital instruction. There are many advantages of SaaS teaching labs over in-person training, including the fact that they are more cost-effective.
With a SaaS teaching lab, you can reduce the number of instructors, employees, and overall investment needed to deliver high-quality training. Additionally, online learning is more flexible, as you can access course content from any device. You can also schedule course sessions when it’s most convenient for learners, and you can reach learners anywhere they live.
Wrapping Up
These are some of the key benefits of SaaS applications teaching labs. SaaS teaching labs are easy to use, quick to deploy, and minimally intrusive so users can get back to work. If you’re interested in learning more about these systems or would like to know a trusted partner that can assist with implementation, you can contact us today!
We offer 24/7 live support
SaaS applications teaching labs are often equipped with live customer service representatives that can help out with any issues. You can expect to have 24/7 support with a SaaS lab platform like ReadyTech, with availability on all major holidays. And if you have a high-volume business with a large number of learners, you might want to look into managed services. A managed service provider (MSP) can help manage your entire SaaS learning lab, including implementation, ongoing maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting.
ReadyTech is Here
SaaS applications are the new frontier of teaching and learning, as the need to keep up with the growing remote learning industry is stronger than ever. ReadyTech provides you with everything you need, and we offer a full-service setup process and 24/7 live support. Do you have questions? Contact us today.